White hat link building


Having other sites linking back to your website is vital in building your domain authority

Quality backlinks are links from websites with a high domain score, known as domain authority. The higher the domain authority (DA) of a website the better it ranks.

Every high-quality domain linking back to your site will, in turn, boost your domain authority. This step is often overlooked as doing it right takes time.


Link Prospecting

We’ll run through your website and others within your industry to understand the types of sites you need placement on. We’ll then put together a list of target links that we’ll contact over the life of your campaign.

Link Outreach

We’ll manage an email campaign to reach out to relevant sites and encourage the inclusion of a link back to yours. Campaigns will be meticulously carried out to make sure pitches are well received and followed through.

Local Citations

Citations occur on local directories, websites, apps and on social platforms – when done right Local citations will positively influence your search engine rankings and continuity of brand in your local area.

We’ll ensure your local citations are consistent and accurate and placed on influencing directories and platforms to build search engine trust and which can increase web, phone and foot traffic.

Manual Content Promotions

We’ll manually find websites that harmonise with your business to promote content. This will not only increase site traffic but it’s also a nice ‘pillowing’ tactic to pad your link profile. We manually find online conversations and write well thought out comments that will link back to your content.

Influencer Campaigns

For almost any business influencers are a vital promotional tactic. We look for relevant influencers for your industry and we’ll pitch and negotiate a deal to promote your website and broaden its visibility.


About Us

Sittin Pretty is a boutique digital agency… intentionally small, collaborative and results-driven.

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